Saturday, March 21, 2009

I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!
Isaiah 65:24

Have you ever had one of those months when things just don't look like they will ever get done?
You work and work and there is just more to do and purchase than what your body and checking account can handle? Well I have been struggling with a few things lately, until I got to the point that I realized "what the heck am I doing?" Has God not provided all our needs in the past? Just because I cannot see Him, doesn't mean He is not working, and once again I laid it in the hands of my kind, gentle and ever present maker, and He being the gentleman he always is, He gladly took it.
You see, when Todd and I started this house project, we wanted it and the building of it to Glorify God, we have tried to be obediant in trusting him to provide the funds to continue on. It is a battle that we fight continually, to just trust him, but through it all we have learned that He is more than happy to bless us if we just rest in Him, if we seek His face and not allow satan to steel our joy and destroy all that is good.
In the times that we just didn't know how something would work or where the funds would come from it has been awesome to see Him work it out.
God has used this House Project in so many ways, to teach us about how we can trust Him, even if things didn't come together as we had it planned, He has had better plan. When we were about to quit and give up, He inspired us through our daughters to keep pressing on, because when they were young we would not allow them to quit something they started. We would encourage them to keep pressing on. That God would provide them the strength to continue on to completion.
We are now on the home stretch of this project and God has brought us so far in our relationship with Him and each other that we just praise Him for the opportunity to have gone through it.
So if you are about to start a project- my first words of advice are...
"Consult you Maker"

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
Philippians 4:8

This past week satan has tried to trip me up to cause me to stumble but because of Christ I was free from having to become down, depressed, distressed, distraught, anxious, or tormented by the everyday junk.
God’s promises me to be restored, re-energized, repaired, revived, recharged, and renewed. Spending time with God, helps me make better decisions, I think better and I have a closer relationship with God and become more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

From time to time junk blows into our lives and if we allow it to stay, it will affect our thinking, talking, and acting. We may not see it, but it is there. It could be something someone has said to or about you or something that has not turned out the way we had it planned; some thought that you just can’t get out of your mind, or something that junks up your relationship with God.
But we have hope, and a promise, we can come freely to the throne of God and received His grace for each new day. God’s grace doesn’t take out the junk it just gives us the strength to to get rid of it, to put it in the garbage barrel and haul it to the dump where it belongs. To start new, fresh, and clean.
Just like the
coming of spring brings new grass, new leaves, new calves, new colts, and new lambs. We know it to be true, we wait expectedly for it. If you are like me you think on it and you are encouraged but when the snow starts to fade and the mud dries up, the clean up begins, the wind has blown in junk and now the snow is starting to melt and the junk really shows up. That is when we must load it up and get rid of it. Just like the junk in our lives.

Feed on the word, memorize it, and claim it as your own, cause it is. God's word is so powerful.

I really love this verse. I have claimed it for my own.

Luke 10:19
Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing, shall in any way hurt you.

What is your serpent or your scorpion? Whatever the case, recognize it, smash it, scoop it up and haul that junk to the dump. Then remember that because of the pure unconditional love, grace and mercy of our soon coming King, we have been renewed, re-cleansed, and re-strengthened. We know this to be true, dwell on it!