Monday, June 29, 2009 never know how important it is until you don’t have any. You know when test the faucet and then test it again just by habit and nothing is there, and your silly mind keeps you coming back to try again. You instantly become so thirsty your sure you are going to die.
We are at the place in our “House Project” where Todd is hooking up new water heaters, a water softener and all new Pex water tubing, and that means the water has to be off!
And going through a list of what needs to be done takes about 27 seconds, doing what needs to be done takes about 27 hours.

Yesterday Todd had to shut off the water to the house, it is just part of the process, and by 10:30 p.m. he was so tired and not to a place where the water could be turned back on into the house, immediately I became so thirsty. All I could think of was Water! I need water! I am going to choke if I don’t have water! You just never know how precious it is until you can’t get it.
But we knew where we could find water so, we went to Casi and Macarti’s house and drank water and took showers, (I had a little brown-haired blue-eyed creature in my shower, no charge for that I’m sure), but the water washed off the sweat and dirt and I felt new, we went to the water.
We know that we can find that same newness in God’s word and it is like fresh, cool, clear, water. It quenches my soul and that dry, parched, helpless feeling leaves. His word hydrates my heart and mind. I think clearer and am calm if I par-take on a regular basis. Sometimes I take it for granite, I just don't think it is important, but sooner or later I have to go to the water, just like the water we have to have for our physical bodies, God’s word is needed for our spiritual bodies, we must drink often in order to be affective in our daily battle and to be a light to all we come in contact with and each morning we can start new, and unlike at our house, the water is there always, we just have to drink it up.

Psalm 23:1-3

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Where did they go?
Where did the last 60 days go?
It seems like all a blur to me.

Todd has worked non-stop on the house. I have been to town 12 plus times since my last post.
The project is coming together each day we see more and more progress.

We will certainly be thankful for the completion, our goal date is around the 1st of September. We have seen the Lord’s hand in ways we never would of thought of, things coming together, that really shouldn’t have, you know the ones where you say, wow-who would of thought that would of fit? And the one where we say wow-that looks way better than I ever thought it would. We like to refer to them as Hallelujahs around this house and the Lord sends them quite frequently inspite of us doubting.
At the start of this project Todd has had the radio playing K-Love day and night, and night and day; hot, cold, windy, snowy and rainy, there has been Praise music in, out and around. There have been times it kept us from just throwing our hands in the air and saying it is never going to happen, it is just never going to get there. We are so thankful for His promises of never leaving or forsaking us.

There have been many a tear shed during this time, ok, I cried too. But we are so very thankful for the project, it has taught us so much about each other and what God can do in two ordinary people who are so in love with each other and their Savior, if we will just let Him work. So now when I ask where did the last 60 days go?, I can easily say, those were some very important days of going and getting and growing and stumbling and encouraging and laughing and crying and kneeling and praying and pushing and holding and loving and it all adds up to the same thing we have been reaching for and that is……….Seeking Him, Trusting Him, Praising Him and…………………..Pressing On!