Saturday, March 19, 2011

Under Attack

How is it the more we pray and focus on glorifying God with our actions and our decisions the more Satan works overtime to trip us and tempt us to have a melt down, not one of your garden variety melt downs, a good old country girl fall apart….and trust me I am so qualified for this event!
I know that everyday I have to purpose to keep my focus on God and trust him, but oh boy there is about two times a day that I battle it. I battle the thoughts of fear, doubt and frustration. I really am tying to be strong. But at times the what-ifs get to me. Satan is such a pig.
Yeah, you heard me!
Clay has been getting worse and that is so emotional for us all. I pray for Linda, always, and try to be an encouragement to her. Clay and Linda are in Stanford now and will remain there.
I am marking off the days; each day has its own list. My lists make me laugh, whatever I don’t get done on one day, those items rolls to the next, yep, by the last day I will probably have a list as long as my leg cause I have had to roll things everyday.
We have done our taxes, signed the refinance papers (that was its own little fiasco) and Todd has done his last assignment in his college algebra. His final for algebra is the 25th and at that time, his 7 page finals paper for psychology is due (never know if I spelled that right or not). Todd will be taking all of April off from schooling, and will re-register (hopefully) when we return. He sure loves his schooling. In between studying and work, Todd has been trimming horses, hauling hay, and doing small repairs around the place. My awesome parents will be doing chores for us while we are gone; they are so good to us, and I know we will never be able to repay them for all they have done for us over the years.

Well each week or even each day of trials and struggles I know that there always something to learn, that is why I must praise God through these trials for it is maturing my walk, producing fruit. So I guess I shouldn’t try to avoid the bumps in this journey, even though at times I feel a fit a-coming-on, He knows my heart and He knows my needs and He is completely capable of providing it all. So instead, I’ll keep my head up and my focus and God and just watch Him work in this everyday life.

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3 NLT


Sami Jo said...

This is a test of the national daughter blogger testing service. This message is to let you know your blogger is working and I love you dearly. Keep working on that list mama dearest and I'll be mailing you mine asap since you are doing so well on yours. Bahhhhahahahaha ~SJ

Amanda B said...

Jackie, I love reading your blog. You truly are an inspiration! Your faith and trust in the lord is amazing. Although I do not know Clay and Linda, my prayers are with them and you and Todd. What a leap of faith and a great act of service to your friends. Thank you for allowing us to see the faith... and the daily struggle! It helps me to know that everyone struggles when allowing the weight to rest in him!

Happy Sunday!
Mandy Purser Bowles

Phyllis D said...

Jackie, this is a test message to see if it works. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. God nevers gives us more than we can handle. He will always be there to pick up what we can't do.