Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mr. Fine Todd

"Twenty-Five Things I love about My Todd"

1. I love that He loves the Lord our God, with all his heart, soul and mind.
2. I love that He loves me, unconditionaly
3. I love that He loves our daughters
4. I love that He works hard and his fellow employees respect him.
5. I love that He cares about what concerns me
6. I love that He works hard on the house project. (His favorite part were the windows)
7. I love that He loves my cooking, well he eats it anyways
8. I love that He gives me compliments, when I feel like crap
9. I love that He is patient
10. I love to watch him rope, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
11. I love that He always looks so me
12. I love that He can fix almost anything
13. I love that I always feels safe with him
14. I love that He knows the Bible, very well
15. I love that He is a witness everywhere he goes
16. I love that He is slow to anger..................except when he is putting in windows
17. I love to watch him eat popcorn, every night
18. I love how He looks in his hat
19. I love that He always encourages me to Trust the Lord
20. I love that He loves me even when I am unlovable
21. I love the way He is walks
22. I love the way He talks to the dogs
23. I love the way He loves to shovels snow
24. I love that He chases the grandkids
25. I love that He stands for what is right!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Philippians 3:12

Not that I have now attained, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to lay hold of and make my own, that for which Christ Jesus has laid hold of me and made me His own.

Have you ever had a season in your life when either you or someone in your life was going through “The Storm?” When things around you or them are so dark that on our own we cannot find our way? That is where we are in our house at this time. We are trusting God not for each day, or minute, but for each breath. Encouraging each other to seek His face, in every thought. When you want to step in and take the reins but need to simply “Be Still.”

Like most mothers, I love my children more than life itself. But, I have a relationship with “My Girls” unlike most, sort of like a rangy black-angus cow when someone is messing with her calf. Each girl has had her season of struggles and as hard as those seasons were, on both of us it has strengthened out relationships, to the point of where each relationship is stronger, deeper and bound by a love that can never be severed, it may bend but never will break. And without these seasons, we would never be as close as we are. So when “The Thief” attempts to kill, steel, or destroy my girls, I take it personally. My first thought may not be to hit my knees but eventually I am lead to that place where all I can do is cry out “I Trust You God.” And praise Him for the test, and pray that our words and actions will bring Him Glory.

Sami Jo, Jodi Dawn and Casi Jean, I love you girls and I am so proud of you. Seek His face daily, feed on His word and Trust Him for guidance for each step.

To the moon

Monday, January 19, 2009

Unless the Lord builds the house its builders labor in vain.

Psalm 127:1

In the first post I mentioned the "house project", we started the project about 4 years ago....Todd has worked on it every minute that he has available.
It is a 30x40 addition that comes off of our existing living room. He has put on a new front entry and new back entry. He tore off the roof of the old part of the old living room and made it a 20 ft. ceiling with stairs to the new addition. I love it. New roof on the old part of the house to match the new. Siding on the sides and back, rock half way up on the front and the rest is stucco. Todd has worked steady on our house and it still amazes me how smart he is. I mean I knew he was smart but, this is great.

Todd has had some awesome friends teach him how to do things and some have even come and helped a day here and there.
We hired Ben Isham this past summer and he has been such a good worker. He is such an awesome young man. Ben caught on so fast and seemed to really like what he was doing.
Todd really enjoyed having Ben there.
As Fall approached we worked after we got home from work putting on rock till it was too cold and dark to see. Finally we gave in to winter.

Since the cold sat in, Todd has been doing some inside stuff, wired and sheet rocked the back and front entry, stuff like that. But we are gearing up to have another really busy summer to bring it to completion by this fall. We are so thankful for how the Lord has blessed this project.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

All because two people fell in love.

Todd and Jackie first met in Twin Falls, rodeoing at the college of Southern Idaho.

We met one evening at practice, on October 4th and by Halloween we were engaged and were married April 4th of 1980. Although I had seen him at practice before we met.

God blessed us in May 1981 with our first daughter Sami Jo, in September of 1983, He sent us Jodi Dawn and another May baby in 1986 completed our family.

Over the next fifteen years we roped, raised kids, and worked hard. We had our share of hard times, for which we praise God for, because in those times we clung to Him and His promises, and each other. And He never failed to provide for our needs.

Todd drove truck for my brother Mark and then for Doug Andrus and in 2002 he was offered a position at NRF at the INL. He is now at RTC at the INL as a Radiological Control Technician.

He loves his job and is a wittness to everyone, they call him "Preacher".

I have been at the INL for 12 years as an administrative assistant. I know support two Directors and three managers. Two departments Radiological Controls and Quality Assurance.

I love my job and my people, but I do get tired of the early mornings and late evenings.

Todd and I thank God daily for our jobs.

We are now on the last leg of a build on job. I am so excited to get into it and out of the kitchen. :)

We have been abundantly blessed with grandbabies; in 2004 Jodi had a baby girl, Bailey was born on December 21st, but in 2007 all the girls got together and decided to see if they could do me in and each girl had a baby with Jodi having Birch on March 14th, Casi giving us Macarti on the 6th of June and Sami finishing the year with Paul on the 6th of September. All beautiful and healthy Praise Jesus.

That brings us to 2009, where we are pressing on each day to glorify God with our lives. We don't always hit it right on, but we know that He will and does give us grace for each moment.

All we have to do is ask.....