Sunday, March 21, 2010

Where do the days go?

It seems like during the day it drags, then on Sunday nights when I am getting ready for my week, I look back and wonder where the time has went. I have to ask myself, what have I done with this time, this time that seems to go so fast it is but a thought. What have I accomplished?
What am I focused on?
What is my time spent doing?
What is my attitude like each day?
Am I a light?
Are my day filled with anxiety?
Stressed over things I cannot change?
Have I been laying my burdens at the feet of my Savior?
For that is where they belong. He doesn't ask that I get my life together and make myself worthy of His presence. Just come as I am......thirsty, weak, tired and hurt. Abiding in Him is where I belong and that is a day well spent.

Till Next Time, God's Blessings


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