Friday, January 15, 2010

My Journey

Yesterday, I started a journey that has been long past due... I choose not to explain it at this time, but only ask that you lift me up daily in prayer. I ask that you pray for me to have strength and grace for each day to press on toward the goal that I have set. It will be long, days will be tough, but I am going to trust God for each day and petition each one, that will, to put my name on your fridge or computer and offer a short but sincere prayer for my journey. I know that through this journey I will grow in my relationship with Christ (something I crave) and you will grow as well just by praying and trusting for answered prayers. I will, at some time, share, but not now. I want to post each day if I can, but most likely it will be a couple times a week, as to how things are going.
I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate your prayers and encouraging notes you leave and I hope that you will continue to do that. I know that God's will for me is to complete this journey and I will ask that He bless you ten-fold for your love and encouragement to me. I am so looking forward yo the days ahead and I want to look at it as choosing to live better. I do this not only for my God and myself, but for my husband, my beautiful daughters (and their husbands) but for my "precious to my heart Grand babies" who to me are a gift straight from my loving Father to my heart.

Till Next Time, God's Blessings on you.



cowgirlwannabe said...

Will certainly keep you and your family in my prayers.

Sami Jo said...

Always! to the moon~SJ