Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This Journey, Day 30

So far this journey has taught me alot. Each day brought me something to Praise or something to battle, either way I have kept my focus on the Lord. I have spent more time in the word, on my knees and some times on my face before my guide. I am thankful that through it all I have been held up in prayer by friends and family. At the beginning of this journey I pledged to give this entire year to becoming healthier- spiritually and physically. The past 30 days have showed me that my guide has and will never leave me, but it is I that may choose to step away. I pray that I will cling to His word and His promise to take me through the rest of my journey, if I focus on my guide there is no way that I will fail.

Till Next Time, God's Blessings


1 comment:

cowgirlwannabe said...

Love the picture of the Bible page shaped like a heart... Gods love surrounds us, hoping your journey gets easier