Friday, February 26, 2010

This Journey, Day 43......

I may not look like a new women, but I feel it inside. Praise God for helping me along. I know that I still have a long ways to go to be where I need to be, where God wants me to be, and I know with His grace I will continue on. I know that only I can purpose to stay in the word and abiding in Him. It is a struggle as you all well know. I am just so thankful for the past 43 days.
I have three more days on the diet I am on, and then there is a maintenance time and then I will begin it again. I am so thankful for the encouragement from my Husband, my daughters and my best friend and other friends and family, thank you, and I love you so much.

Till Next Time, God Bless

1 comment:

Sami Jo said...

Way to go ma! SO proud of you! You are totally an inspiration to me.... (and don't you backtalk me!) ha ha, see I know you well. Can't wait to see you at the end of this month... (Maybe we'll have to go find you a new outfit you hot mama you) xoxo