Sunday, August 2, 2009


Around our place when you head to town, you have a big list as long as your arm and as many appointments as you can fit into the day.
This past Friday, The three musketeers (I hope I spelled that right, Sami would you check that for me?) headed out like we had good sense with a pickup loaded with a dryer for repair, an oven to donate to the Boys Ranch and 6 boxes of rock we had to return to the rock "getting place" because they had sent us some rock that had previously used and that just didn't fly with us. Our schedule was as follows: leave house at 7:00 a.m., 7:45 stopped at road construction for 30 minutes, 8:00 stop at gas station for treats to make it the next 40 miles to the 9:00 dentist appointment. We have really family oriented dentist and his group of girls are the best, where else can you get you teeth cleaned and have a babysitting staff of 6 to spoil your kid. While Casi and I were both in the chairs, Macarti had full run of the office, it was funny to hear her little voice chattering to the ladies. They were very good to her.
So by 10:45 we had left the dentist and headed to another town 30 miles to the south to drop off the dryer and oven. Then over to drop off the rock and stop for a bite to eat. Restaurants are always good fun with Macarti.

To her, everyone is a friend and as we walk down the row of booths she says hi to them all and to every waiter and waitress that goes by, they are always so kind to return her greeting. Our daughters were the same way, saying hi to everyone they seen and if we headed to the bathrooms in the restaurant they would always ask anyone we past on the way if they needed to go "Poddy?" I guess they thought since they were going they might as well ask around, you never know.....That was always good for a big laugh. Very thoughtful little kids we raise here.

So by 1:00 we had had our fun time at AppleBees, then stopped to pickup a part for the weed eater, by the way who come up with that name? weedeater, come on......that would be a good name for our goat elvis, he eats weeds! See Elvis, resident ropen practice goat.

Next stop, Altel phone store now this was interesting with the 2 year old, God blessed us with a long time friend of mine being ready to help us and Casi and Macarti entertained the crowd.

By 2:00 we were on our way with our plunder and a new destination of one of Macarti and My's favorite stores "HOME DEPOT" yeah!!!!! after at least 45 minutes of trying to get someone to help us we picked up some tile and left there headed to Walmart and then fueling up the pickup and ice cream and leaving for home by 6:30, someone be merciful and beat me with stick!

One small but very important note, did I mention we have no air conditioning in this Red Ford Power Stroke?!? Papa "what are you thinking?"

By the time we got home we were so hot, sticky, and cranky we could hardly function, and that was just Casi and me, but we made it and with all our items on our list checked off.
One thing about this little Idaho valley it gets hot during the day but relief comes in the evenings.

When we pulled into the drive way the guys were still painting and when our friend Victor left he had finished all the painting and done and excellant job, it has been 5 weekends that he has spent here, and we are so thankful for him, he is an awesome man. We figure 60 more days of working on the house every minute we can and we will be done.

Truly there is no place like home.

Till next time, God Bless!

1 comment:

Sami Jo said...

okay okay comedian... (did I spell that right?... really I don't know if I did - it looks weird... Oh! Google says it right! Hooray!