Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hardwood Floors Day 2, YAHOO!


Mr. Mel worked extra hard today, and
I L-O-V-E IT! And it looks like Batena approves of it as well.
It is finally starting to look like the home I have always prayed for. Thank you Lord, Jesus.
Honestly.........................? I just really didn't know if this day would come. Todd has worked and worked but all the work up until the last month have been materials and $$$$$$ that has went in the walls and ceilings and now we can see it and we are so excited.
Even though it has been hard the past 4 years, we are thankful.

Till Next Time, God Bless


Sami Jo said...

This flooring really does look just perfect. I can picture the whole thing and I think whatever way you choose with the cupboards all will be totally fabulous!

Brian and Jodi Brown said...

so beautiful mom. I am so happy for you guys. Love you tons mother dear. Can't wait to see you.