Thursday, September 24, 2009

Just A Little More About Me

The weather in my neck of the woods: Nice crisp mornings followed by warm days and then back to cool crisp nights, I love this time of year.

One of my simple pleasures: Venti –Iced- vanilla - latte--8 Pumps!

On my bedside table: Well, my old bedside table is down stairs in the new guest room. My new bedside table is still in the store!!!!!

On my TV: Dust? Nope not today! We haven’t had much time to watch T.V. The last thing we watched was Italian Job.

On the menu for tonight: Whatever the cook makes, we have been getting spoiled by Casi cooking for us from time to time until my kitchen is put back together.
On my To Do List: After Todd get the counter top board and hard-backer board on I will be tiling my brains out! Whoop Whoop! I can’t wait to show you pictures.

What am I reading? I love Stormie O’martin, I picked up a book of hers in the airport on the way to Jodi’s earlier this month called “the Prayer that Changes Everything” it is a excellent read.

In the craft basket: I have a my eye on a very large mirror in Porter’s in Idaho falls, that I am going to cover with –hair on hide, I will have pictures later.

Looking forward to: Having the house completed and papers signed. And more than that getting our new grandson here healthy, safe and sound. Thank you Jesus!

Homemaking Tip for this week: For fall or spring cleaning I like to take a room at a time and take off all the bedding and curtains and wash the walls and windows with Pine-sol Lemon, open the windows for an hour then make it all up. At least that is what I did when I had a house with rooms and curtains, it won’t be long now!

Favorite Blog Post of the week: One of my favorite blogs all the time is "My Hope is in the Lord," Click here to see what Hope has on her blog and learn more about her. I am putting the game on my blog tomorrow, please come back and check it. I love her blog and she is so encouraging.

Favorite memory snap shot in my mind: For the past couple of weeks my mind keeps going back the Foxy, the Big Black Horse, he was always a character but one particular time when Jodi, Casi and I were out practicing in the arena and I told Jodi two or three times to shut the gate before you practice your get offs and she said oh, Foxy wont leave the other horses, so she started down the arena toward the goat and the goat holder/camera man (me) she had a real nice get off, and just like it was his regular routine Foxy loped right out of the arena toward the barn, then there went Barchone, (our Dog) after foxy and then there went Jodi bringing up the rear, yelling Foxy! Dang you! It was so funny! I am sure I got it on film too! Someday I will have to remember to try and put it on the blog. Holy Cow I loved that horse and those practice days, Praise God for those days.

Lesson learned the past few days: No one can serve two masters. You are either living to please God and know him more or you are living to please yourself.
On my Prayer List: Just to have a sincere desire to know God more, to long to feed on His word, to be more aware of how much He loves me and wants His best for me, but He cannot bless me while I am out of His will and my hands are full of worldly wants.

Till Next Time, God Bless

1 comment:

Brian and Jodi Brown said...

So fun mom , I am going to do that too. Hey you forgot "6 pumps" of Vanilla.

Kiss Kiss
