Sunday, January 10, 2010

2nd Go Round of Company and some sledding too!

This past week our daughter Jodi and her husband Brian came to a cattle convention about 4 hours from where we live and they were able to come on out for a day or two. It was so good to see them all. The kids are growing so fast I cannot believe it. The oldest Bailey is our first grandchild and I cannot believe how tall and grown up she is getting to be, she goes to pre-school and she loves it! Her brother Birch is our second oldest grandchild, he is the oldest of the two-year-olds as well. I swear he is 1/2 foot taller than when I was up there this past year. They change so fast. Jodi and Brian are doing a great job putting the cattle operation together for their Boss. Papa and Brian love to visit about the Lord, Cows, Horses, and Roping. (They look so smart)

Bailey, Birch and Macarti played and played and played; in the playhouse, on the stairs, in the playhouse, on the stairs, they had so much fun together.

They really liked watching the slide show on my laptop in the office. It kept them in a trance for almost an hour. And they didn't even mind that Mimi's office is the catch all, for right now.
While Birch and Bailey were here it was way too cold to sled, but the day after they left Papa, Casi, and Macarti were back at it again, with a new sled horse :) SPLASH! Papa's new head horse....
and of course the same lead dog, and Casi bringing up the drag.

Tilly had had enough by the second loop and thought she'd better keep me company...she is so thoughtful.

Even though Macarti could hardly keep her eyes open...

You can see she was quite sure she hadn't gotten her monies worth,

So off went the merry group for.................

Which was very effective

by the time I got her out of the sled, I was laughing so hard I could barely stand up.
I am thankful for being able to get these pictures.

The day that we were able to spend with Sami and her family, Jodi and her family and the days we get to have Macarti we are so special to us and we are so careful to give God the glory.
Till Next time, God Bless


cowgirlwannabe said...

Love the look of Splash! Tillys eyes are cool! Looks like a good time for everyone.

Brian and Jodi Brown said...

That is a great pic of Carti sleeping in the sled. So funny! We are laughing too! Love you mom, it was great to come home and see you guys. Love you tons. Jodi

The Urban Cowboy said...

I want more snow where I'm at!