Sunday, August 16, 2009

Another week gone!

Here we are again, another weekend and another trip to town for Building Supplies.

This old Red Power Stroke and Stock Trailer may not be much to look at but to us it has more than done its job. For 13 plus years it hauled three awesome cowgirls, their horses, hay and goats to hundreds of Rodeos, Practices and Jackpots, not to mention the ropins. But the last 4 years it has been the main transportation for house materials and it has done a great job. Not many more trips now.
This weekend my co-pilot was my mother, possibly the toughest, wisest, Godliest Lady anyone could ever know, you would have to look long and hard to find another that would compare with my mom. One of her best traits, I think, is that she isn't afraid to tell you how it is and show you how much she loves you all in the split second. I have been told I have the same gift, and even though some people really don't know how to take us, we mean it in the best way possible. I thank God for my mom on a regular basis. And as an added bonus she is also one of the best Grandmas and Great Grandmas around. If have never met her and she saw you feeling down you would be encouraged by her, but if she caught ya doing something wrong, well lets just say she would let you know about it. I remember one Easter, way back when the ladies wore gloves and hats on Easter, a little kid in the pew in front of us kept turning around, not a good thing in church, then he started to stick his tongue out at us and then turn back around real quick like, well about the third time he swung around and stuck his tongue out my mom grabbed his tongue and with her gloves on she had a pretty good grip, I will never forget the look on that kids face. I will never know what went through his mind but he never turned around for the rest of the message and after the service I remember seeing my mom giving that kid a hug. Praise God for Grandma Pattie.

Till next time, God Bless


Sami Jo said...
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Sami Jo said...

Stinky signature head!