Wednesday, August 19, 2009



I ran on to these prints awhile back and then the other night I was wanting to re-vamp my blog a bit, ok, alot. I couldn't help myself. It took me a minute or two to find them, because I couldn't remember her name and there were alot of others, but these just seemed to fit me. The colors she uses and the expressions on the girls' faces say alot. I am confident, I know that I can handle it. I love that they pack ropes, the tack on the horses is right and they just look like they could walk out of the picture. I am not sure if I am wrong to use them. I am looking into that to make sure. If you are interested in purchasing any of Terri Kelly Moyers work, click on one of the pictures and it will take you to where you can purchase them.
I plan on decorating my new office with them as soon as the paint dries and the tile is down. I will be taking lots of pictures to keep you up to date. We are expecting the flooring the first week in September and then after that we should be settling in. It has been a long time coming and I thank God for His timing, He is so kind to keep me in check and convict me when I am tempted to run ahead.

Till Next Time, God Bless


Brian and Jodi Brown said...

Mom, you are a blogging queen!
Love you tons!

Sami Jo said...

These pics totally fit you perfectly! I love the idea of your office being all gussied up with this fabulous prints! Good Idea! Love you to the Moon... SJ