Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Name that Movie"
(part 3)

"I'm looking at a drunk with a tin star pinned to it"
no cheating Mrs. Brown


Brian and Jodi Brown said...

El Dorado with Dean Martin

Jackie said...

It is Eldardo but not with Dean Martin.
so you are only 1/2 right.

Brian and Jodi Brown said...

I was thinking Rio Bravo....Fine then.

Jackie said...

ok we'll just stop here. Jodi I will send you a movie soon. Which one do you want?

to the moon

Sami Jo said...

Hey Mom! Is it really Eldardo? or El Dorado like Jod said?

Jackie said...

Yeah, Yeah, Sorry that I don't slow down enough to speak, spell or think right. It is El Dorado
You can just go sit in the corner for that one.
Missy smarty pants.
I love you anyway.