Friday, December 31, 2010

Cold day here is East Idaho...
The snow plow has just come down the lane. The water in our house started to freeze; Todd has gone to go start the heater in the well pit. This is easily one of the coldest days of the year, but yet Todd and I are enjoying our time together. I enjoy any time with Todd, we play Yahtzee and cards and laugh and talk. I am truly blessed to have him. Seems like I cherish him now the way I should have been all along. I realize this is a journey, that my LIFE is a journey and as long as I continue to press on seeking God's face, spending time abiding in his will, I am right where I am suppose to be.
So I will continue to be joyfull all of my days, (all of them) the best I can, and even though some days I will fail, I will start all over the next morning with renewed grace from my Lord.

Till Next Time, God Bless

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ummmm hello

I know it has been another month of nothing. I had and have great plans, in my head, to get up and running with consistent blogs to share my everyday life. About 2 months ago a really good friend of my husband Todd called to share that he has excepted the Lord and his Savior, can we get a great big Hallelujah!!!!! and then Todd's friend said.......I'm, right?
My husband said that we all would be praying for him and his wife and if there was something he could do to just let us know and Todd's friend said well unless you are O positive there is nothing more you can do. Todd then said well, I am O positive......we filled out 16 pages of Live Donor forms and faxed them to Stanford University to start the process of testing Todd to see if he could possibly be a donor for his friend. We fly out on the 5th to San Fransisco for two days of tests and consultation. The past two months have been a roller coaster of emotions for Todd, our daughters and myself. I wanted to be angry, upset, frustrated,even insulted about this and then God said to me "what if it was Todd that needed a liver?" I know that if this was my husband that his friend would do the same thing for him. We know that there is no greater gift than to lay down our life for a friend. I have to trust God for each day and that He will be Glorified through this. If my husband is the best possible match I will be trying to post as often as possible so that you all can share in this everyday life...
Stay tuned for updates....

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How long has it been?

Seems like forever since I have been to my blog, things got so crazy for us and this was the first thing to get neglected, I hope to be back on track soon, sharing with you just a bit of what goes on in this every day life....
so stay tuned

Gods blessings.

Friday, May 7, 2010

"Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:9
The past 5 to 6 years have been woven with, not equal but large amounts of trials, tears, and triumph. You would think that now that I am almost 5o, I would be oh so wise, that I would have answers to all the questions that my daughters could ever ask. HA HA!
Possibly the most important thing that I have learned over the past years is, that I don't have the answer to why people treat people the way they do, or why things happen the way they do but I have learned that sometimes you just have to admit it and trust the one who does, and know that He has our best in mind.
I know that satan is alive in the world and that he moves about searching who to destroy and I have seen first hand his works of the death of a child, the effects of how he works through alcohol, selfishness, pride and bitterness. I have lost several family members to his deceiving lying tongue of alcohol. Things have happened in our own close family that show me he knows no boundaries. Todd and I have spent many hours praying for family members who have stepped or pulled away. Which raises the question, would I have been on my knees if this wasn't going on? Am I drawing nearer to my Father? Isn't that what He wants more than anything, for us to abide in Him, seeking his face, meditating on His word? He is to be glorified and trusted in all things. Do we only sing Hallelujah during the feast? It must be in the growing, stretching, down on your face-I can't find the words to speaks times as well.
Thank you Father, thank you for loving me the days I am just so unloveable and the days I'm sitting right on your lap. Help me to trust that even though I don't know the answers or just don't see the why of it all, you do and that is enough.
Till Next Time, God Bless

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Romans 1:17
For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed,
a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written:
"The righteous will live by faith."

I have had several people say things to me like:
what kind of a God would allow this to happen,
or why doesn't God fix this, or this is the one that
gets me; how do you know there is a God.
Mostly I say I know there is a God because I see him work in my life and the lives of other believers. I know He loves me by His work at Calvary. But mostly I know him by abiding in Him, reading His word, meditating on it and Trusting Him in that what His word says is true.
I live my everyday clinging to His promises.
I pray that you are doing the same.
I am continuing on with my journey of maturing walk with the Lord and better health.
Please continue to lift me up in prayer.
And in return if you have any prayer requests, it would be my pleasure to pray for you. You do not have to tell me the situation just leave your name in my comments and my husband and I will lift you up in prayer, for God's will and direction in your life.
Till Next Time, God Bless!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Where do the days go?

It seems like during the day it drags, then on Sunday nights when I am getting ready for my week, I look back and wonder where the time has went. I have to ask myself, what have I done with this time, this time that seems to go so fast it is but a thought. What have I accomplished?
What am I focused on?
What is my time spent doing?
What is my attitude like each day?
Am I a light?
Are my day filled with anxiety?
Stressed over things I cannot change?
Have I been laying my burdens at the feet of my Savior?
For that is where they belong. He doesn't ask that I get my life together and make myself worthy of His presence. Just come as I am......thirsty, weak, tired and hurt. Abiding in Him is where I belong and that is a day well spent.

Till Next Time, God's Blessings


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr. Brown

Mr. Birch Brown is 3 today!
I still remember the day he was born, like it was yesterday.
Sweet little man, he loved to give kisses.

He is growing so fast!

Mr. Birch and Mr. Paul on Mr. Fox.

He loves his mommy, thats for sure.

I can't wait to see you!

Mimi and Papa love you to the moon and back Birch.
God Bless you and keep you.

Friday, March 12, 2010

One day at a time...........

Just completed my second week of maintenance. I feel good and haven't gain back any weight I lost. It truly is a battle of the mind. Every day I have to purpose to abide in the vine and get into the word. I tell ya, just put it off one day and Satan jumps on me like a 2 year old on a stick horse. So thankful that God doesn't give up on me when I let him down. He just keeps on loving me.

Thank you Father.
Every day I battle feelings and thoughts of worthlessness, anger, frustration and pride. Satan does not play fair, he attacks me in every area of my life, work, home, marriage, children, finances etc. etc. Only through the grace of God am I able to stand firm and except His grace to change my thinking.
What an awesome God I serve.
Till Next Time, God Bless

Friday, February 26, 2010

This Journey, Day 43......

I may not look like a new women, but I feel it inside. Praise God for helping me along. I know that I still have a long ways to go to be where I need to be, where God wants me to be, and I know with His grace I will continue on. I know that only I can purpose to stay in the word and abiding in Him. It is a struggle as you all well know. I am just so thankful for the past 43 days.
I have three more days on the diet I am on, and then there is a maintenance time and then I will begin it again. I am so thankful for the encouragement from my Husband, my daughters and my best friend and other friends and family, thank you, and I love you so much.

Till Next Time, God Bless

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Click on the plate of cookies to get the recipe

Saturday, February 20, 2010

This Journey.......Day 34

Each day is better than the day before.
I feel better, therefore I think better, I have more energy.
God is just working in every part of my life. That doesn't mean
I still don't have to purpose to be positive and push myself. But it is not such hard battle. With most of the "junk" turned over to God, I am free to focus on Him and whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—Philippians 4:8, and that leaves no time for the devil to steel my thoughts. I have moments of struggles but nothing like I used to, all because of where my focus is.
I hope you are having a great weekend. Todd is tearing up the old tile in the laundry to replace it with the new that is in the rest of the house. Also my 23 year old washing machine final had done it time and we have a new one coming on the 28th so Todd wanted to have all new flooring down before it gets here. You never know how much you will miss your washing machine, or any appliance, till they decide to check out. I packed all our laundry down to our youngest daughters and did laundry there all day yesterday. I am so thankful that she is close. I will be checking in again soon.

Till Next Time, God's Blessings


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This Journey, Day 30

So far this journey has taught me alot. Each day brought me something to Praise or something to battle, either way I have kept my focus on the Lord. I have spent more time in the word, on my knees and some times on my face before my guide. I am thankful that through it all I have been held up in prayer by friends and family. At the beginning of this journey I pledged to give this entire year to becoming healthier- spiritually and physically. The past 30 days have showed me that my guide has and will never leave me, but it is I that may choose to step away. I pray that I will cling to His word and His promise to take me through the rest of my journey, if I focus on my guide there is no way that I will fail.

Till Next Time, God's Blessings


Saturday, February 6, 2010

This Journey, Day 23

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
I John 4:18

Just twenty-three short days ago, :)

I started this journey to become healthier, Spiritually, Mentally, and Physically. I will not even pretend that is has been easy or that it is zooming by. Each day has been a battle but for each day and each battle I am truly thankful. I continue on moment by moment trusting my Guide to keep me on track, for this is something no one can do alone, and be so very thankful for my husband who is my greatest blessing.

I want to share something......I was afraid to start this journey for many reasons, but the biggest reason was that I was afraid of being a failure, to my girls, my grandbabies, my husband and my self. I had to get to the place where I put the whole thing in God's hands and that I would do it to Glorify Him, that is when I knew that if I kept my focus on Him, He would not allow me to fail, even during the dark, stinken thinken, I'm gonna rip someones head off days. I asked for forgiveness, thanked God for His mercy and pressed on. That is how I have arrived at day number 23, and that is how I know I will finish.

Till Next Time, God's Blessings


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

This awesome Journey, Day 18

Have you ever watched the movie "The perfect storm?"

That was and still is a good movie.
I have been really meditating on God and the storms that I have been going through, and in my mind the "Perfect Storm" is the one where I, at the beginning of the storm, call on God and He gives me His grace and then I become still, calming my mind and thoughts. Then I am in the middle of the storm and I am, moment by moment, clinging to the Savior to continue to be my strong hold, my corner stone. Then at the end when all the raging, angry waves of doubt and fear sent by Satan have passed, I am resting, His calmness and peace flow over me like a fresh breeze and I am still. I have learned so much in the past week and the only thing I know is that God has never left me. His mercies are new every day. These storms are necessary to purifying me to become what He wants me to be. Sin causes these storms and His grace brings me through it and there is always the growth and maturing from it and that is why I am so thankful for "These Perfect Storms".
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

Till Next Time, God's Blessings


Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Journey, Day 15

Under attack, but trying to press on. Would appreciate your prayers.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This Journey, Day 13

One thing that I wanted to instill in my girls while they we're growing up was to always tell the truth. One thing I despise is a liar.

I have a confession.........I feel like I have to be truthful. I had such a stinking rotten day I was just about to not only not write a post tonight but stop this journey altogether, yup, I was ready to pull it over to the side of the road, throw the keys out the window, get out and walk away. Satan attacked me from every side, I couldn't believe it. It started as soon as I walked into my office. I had people needing this and that, and did you forget this and what about these people did you add them to the distribution, my computer isn't working can you get someone over here? Can you whip up my org chart with these changes? I'll just stand here and wait. Then a very sweet guy I work with brought me a bowl of caramel corn, yeah that's right caramel corn. I told him I couldn't and that he could take it back or I would bring the bowl home for Todd. Then there was the can you email me this? can you mail this? did you mail this? Can you create this? Can you have this Data Board Made by printing? Did my new cpu come in? Will you order these supplies? I need a shoe voucher, do we have more paper? on and on and one till I thought I was going to go crazy. Then the final straw Why isn't my title, Quality Engineer, by my name on the org. chart? I thought I was going to blow, but I walked away. I went back to my desk and told God, " I need you Lord, I need you to help me not punch that lady" I had bad thoughts, I fought them back went back and told her that the org. chart was the way the Director wanted it, and that as soon as I could talk with him I would tell him you concern. Anger is a hard thing for me and I was and am ashamed of myself for letting her junk effect me the way it did.
I shared this with my awesome husband and he told me to continue on the battle of abiding and taking every evil thought captive and turning it over to him. Our bible study centered on abiding in him, and how the Holy Spirit comes to our aid.
It was just what I needed to get me back on the road, pressing forward and keeping my eyes on my guide.

Till Next Time, God's Blessings


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This Journey, Day 12

All the days of the desponding and afflicted are made evil by anxious
thoughts and feelings, but he who has a glad heart
has a continual feast, regardless the circumstances.
Proverbs 15:15
Evil forebodings, negative thoughts that will poison my outlook and rob my ability to enjoy life. These Evil forebodings come from difficult circumstances, trials and hard times and if we focus on and allow these thoughts to become our standard then all we will have are ornery, cranky, stinken thinken. Now with that said, I have to tell you, I had a real good day, this 12th day of my journey, I feel good, I fought the evil forebodings. I focused on my guide and the heaping helpings of the Holy Spirit.

Till Next Time, God's Blessings


Monday, January 25, 2010

This Journey, Day 11

Each day I stay focused on God.... this is a good day.
Each day I focus of becomes a trial.
When the girls would back into the box to rope, I could almost read their faces and tell you how they were going to rope. Most of the time they would back into the box and have a look of confidence, not the "oh yeah, I'm good" look, but the look of I have a great God, I have been practicing and I know with His strength I will rope this calf......then there was the "Gelled over Look" that said, if you ask me my name....I may not give you the right answer. I'm scared and I can't remember what I am doing, and have you seen my momma? That would happen when they had been roping real tough for awhile, or they were not being as respectful to their parents or each other as they should of been. Taking our focus off God will do that to me every time. Focusing on God doesn't mean there won't be trials, it just means, He will lead you through them Victorious.
We must suffer to grow, we must lean on Him for direction He is our guide.
But only if He is at the top of our thinking.
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.
1 Peter 5:10
Till Next Time, God's Blessings

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Journey, Day 10

Day 10

Seeing more and more of God's grace in my day.
So very thankful for His ways, even the hard ones.
The way He is working things in my life and the life of my children to draw us all closer to him. I am amazed at how much He loves us.

Beautiful Lord, wonderful Saviour
I know for sure all of my days are held in Your hand
Crafted into Your perfect plan
You gently call me into Your presence
Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit,
teach me dear Lord To live all of my life through your eyes
I’m captured by Your holy calling
Set me apart, I know You’re drawing me to Yourself
Lead me Lord, I pray
Take me, mold me, use me, fill me
I give my life to the Potter’s hand
Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me
I give my life, to the Potter’s hand (click to hear song)
Awesome words to an awesome song, but better than that. A promise from the King.
Each day my journey become a little more easy, only if I keep my focus off myself and on my guide.
Till Next Time, God's Blessings

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Journey, Day 9

This Journey....Day 9,
Spent a quiet day, thinking back on the years
we spent hauling the girls to rodeos and jackpots.
Making new friends and strengthening the ties with old friends.
We became like one BIG family, my kids were encouraged and loved by other parents and I claimed their kids as my own. If need be, I would haul, feed or give another kid a place to sleep. Our motel rooms was like a help-your-self, your-welcome-here house. Girls and guys alike would want to be around to play in the pool, play cards with the girls' dad, or eat and they were welcome. Just as my kids were at their folk's place....
Today we got the sad news that one of those good kids was killed in a car accident this morning. A real good kid, and it shook us all up. I can't even imagine what his folks and brother are going through. He was known all over for His bullriden abilities and that He loved the Lord.
This tragedy got me to thinking how quickly things can change, how one minute we are here and the next gone, like a vapor. I wonder what will I be doing when my Father calls me home, will it be Glorifying to him? Will I be arguing with a family member? Will I be angry at the time I take my last breath? Or will it be during that all day struggle of a case of the "what about Me's?" What ever the case, I must abide in Christ, Press toward the mark, Be a light and Spread the News that it doesn't matter how you go, but that you know for a fact where you are going.
Sure everyone will miss this young man, but I know we will see him again, resting at our Fathers feet, where there is room for everyone.
We don't have to live everyday in fear of the future, but live it in the knowledge that we have been bought by the blood of Christ and nothing can snatch from His hands.
Till Next Time, God's Blessings

Friday, January 22, 2010

My Journey, Day 8

This journey, Day 8

One of the purpose for my journey, is to be more aware of my thoughts.....
Is what I am thinking uplifting and positive?
Is it Glorify to God?
Is it something I would say in front of my momma?
I fought this today, about a certain ex-member of our family
and the way he has treated our daughter,
for the way he cares, (or doesn't care) for our precious granddaughter
when she is with him. For the way that the "System" has let us down.
I had a small fall-apart to one of my favorite daughters and
caught myself battling a feeling that I have had for along time.
The Holy Spirit convicted me and I asked for forgiveness.

And then I realized that she is in the arms of her Awesome Sovereign Father and nothing can swipe her from His hands. This little girl sings praise songs and prays to Jesus. I will continue to turn her over to the Lord as I do all of my grand babies. Trusting Him for their health and safety. And Praying that someday they will, each one, except Him as Savior.

So as I usually do, I fell in love with a Praise Song that I hope you will be encouraged by.

My New "Favorite New Song"

Click here to listen
Phil Wickam

To the one who's dreams are falling all apart
And all you're left with is a tired and broken heart
I can tell by your eyes you think your on your own but you're not all alone
Have you heard of the One who can calm the raging seas
Give sight to the blind, pull the lame up to their feet
With a love so strong He'll never let you go oh you're not alone

You will be safe in His arms
You will be safe in His arms
'Cause the hands that hold the world are holding your heart
This is the promise He made
He will be with You always
When everything is falling apart
You will be safe in His arms
Verse 2:

Did you know that the voice that brings the dead to life
is the very same voice that calls you to rise
So hear Him now He's calling you home You will never be alone

These are the hands that built the mountains the hands that calm the seas
These are the arms that hold the heavens they are holding you and me
These are hands that healed the leper Pulled the lame up to their feet
These are the arms that were nailed to a cross to break our chains and set us free
Till Next Time, Be Safe in His Arms


Thursday, January 21, 2010

What is on your mind….

The seventh day of my journey I caught myself dwelling on my journey and not on the guide of myjourney. In the first 5 days I just wanted to make sure I was trying to be more aware of my actions and praying for God’s amazing grace for not each day,
but each moment.
I became more and more tired and weary as the 4th, 5th, and 6th days passed.
What am I going to do? I asked myself? Well duh, take your worries to your Father......Purpose to remember that this journey is first to glorify Him and then to cause me to mature in my walk.

I want you Father, to be the center of my thinking.
I really do mean that, but I have to admit that I do have days that
I struggle, no I mean really...
Here I am, day 7 almost gone and feeling more focused each day. Continually capturing each negative thought and looking ahead to the days that I will learn to trade my trying for trusting and rest in His arms.
Thank each one of your for praying me for the first week. I pray that each of you have sought more time with the Savior, feeding on His word, seeking His face and His will for you, drawing ever so close to the one who loves us more than we can only imagine.
Till Next TIme, God's Blessings

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Journey, Day 6........

Still struggling with being tired.
But felt lifted this afternoon.
I am more and more encouraged by God's word and His little blessings.
Calls from my daughter or encouraging notes.
Thanks girls, I love you to the moon.

Todd and I are still doing the Battlefield of the Mind Bible Study, what a great study.
I love to study God's word and Joyce Meyer really knows the word.
Get one for your own.
Till Next Time, God's Blessings

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Journey, day 5......

Holy Cow!

I am dragging my wagon. I have been so tired all day long. And I have a ronchie headache.

Still pressing on. Getting in the word and trying to shine. Appreciate the prayers girls.

If you have a request for me I would be pleased to pray for you, just leave it in a comment.

Till Next Time, God's Blessings


Monday, January 18, 2010

My Journey, day 4.........

Day 4? Is it only day 4? Just kidden.......

Today was a good day.
Wasn't able to spend as much time in the word as I want and need but tomorrow is another day.
I focused on God and His will and timing instead of the length of my trip, and as always His Grace was and is sufficient.
Thank you so much for thinking of me and lifting me up in Prayer.
Till Next Time, God's Blessings on you.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Journey cont.....

Yesterday and today are going well. I need to keep my focus on the Lord and not on the trail I am on. The BIG day starts tomorrow at work. But I am old enough to have learned that if I do not start my day out in the word, I might as well not even get out of bed. For what good am I if I say one thing and act another. My one
desire is to be with you....Jesus. Great song, click on the word word desire to check it out!

Friday, January 15, 2010

My Journey

Yesterday, I started a journey that has been long past due... I choose not to explain it at this time, but only ask that you lift me up daily in prayer. I ask that you pray for me to have strength and grace for each day to press on toward the goal that I have set. It will be long, days will be tough, but I am going to trust God for each day and petition each one, that will, to put my name on your fridge or computer and offer a short but sincere prayer for my journey. I know that through this journey I will grow in my relationship with Christ (something I crave) and you will grow as well just by praying and trusting for answered prayers. I will, at some time, share, but not now. I want to post each day if I can, but most likely it will be a couple times a week, as to how things are going.
I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate your prayers and encouraging notes you leave and I hope that you will continue to do that. I know that God's will for me is to complete this journey and I will ask that He bless you ten-fold for your love and encouragement to me. I am so looking forward yo the days ahead and I want to look at it as choosing to live better. I do this not only for my God and myself, but for my husband, my beautiful daughters (and their husbands) but for my "precious to my heart Grand babies" who to me are a gift straight from my loving Father to my heart.

Till Next Time, God's Blessings on you.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

2nd Go Round of Company and some sledding too!

This past week our daughter Jodi and her husband Brian came to a cattle convention about 4 hours from where we live and they were able to come on out for a day or two. It was so good to see them all. The kids are growing so fast I cannot believe it. The oldest Bailey is our first grandchild and I cannot believe how tall and grown up she is getting to be, she goes to pre-school and she loves it! Her brother Birch is our second oldest grandchild, he is the oldest of the two-year-olds as well. I swear he is 1/2 foot taller than when I was up there this past year. They change so fast. Jodi and Brian are doing a great job putting the cattle operation together for their Boss. Papa and Brian love to visit about the Lord, Cows, Horses, and Roping. (They look so smart)

Bailey, Birch and Macarti played and played and played; in the playhouse, on the stairs, in the playhouse, on the stairs, they had so much fun together.

They really liked watching the slide show on my laptop in the office. It kept them in a trance for almost an hour. And they didn't even mind that Mimi's office is the catch all, for right now.
While Birch and Bailey were here it was way too cold to sled, but the day after they left Papa, Casi, and Macarti were back at it again, with a new sled horse :) SPLASH! Papa's new head horse....
and of course the same lead dog, and Casi bringing up the drag.

Tilly had had enough by the second loop and thought she'd better keep me company...she is so thoughtful.

Even though Macarti could hardly keep her eyes open...

You can see she was quite sure she hadn't gotten her monies worth,

So off went the merry group for.................

Which was very effective

by the time I got her out of the sled, I was laughing so hard I could barely stand up.
I am thankful for being able to get these pictures.

The day that we were able to spend with Sami and her family, Jodi and her family and the days we get to have Macarti we are so special to us and we are so careful to give God the glory.
Till Next time, God Bless